Swift Acclivity - The Premier Business and IT Consulting Firm


Law firms, in the first place, are businesses whose practices need to be modernized and streamlined. The technologies that aid in achieving that goal run along two lines.

First: Data management software that ensures adequate storage and access of client and firm data in a timely and secure manner.

Second: Marketing the firm's legal services and procuring new clients online, Swift Acclivity Industries - Law
especially via social media.

Law firms differ greatly in their business models, and the solutions developed for them need to take each law firm's unique situation into account.

The Internet has changed the way business is being done. Solo attorneys do not even need to have physical office space any more, they can have Virtual Law Offices online where they can meet prospective clients. They can interview and consult with their clients over the phone, show up for court dates, and accept payment online.

Bigger law firms with traditional office space presence can use Law Office Management Software to reduce cost and support staff providing clerical, paralegal and other services.

The internet also enables the use of qualifying and matching software programs to generate online leads pointing to clients who are seeking representation.

We help law firms achieve all that and more.