Swift Acclivity - The Premier Business and IT Consulting Firm

IT Consulting

Businesses need to follow new technology trends so they are not left behind. Swift Acclivity can help your organization leverage new technologies such as cloud, mobility, social media, big data, and analytics, as well as maximize the value of your legacy systems, giving you competitive advantage, and freeing your resources to focus on your core business.

Digital Business Strategy

We live in a digital world where information abounds and everything is connected. Swift Acclivity Services - IT Consulting
In the early days of computing, going digital meant simply automating business processes and substituting technology to manual labor. This concept no longer suffices for a business to keep an edge.

Technology today aims to revolutionize customer experiences in order to keep them. Mobility, social media, the cloud, and big data analytics all help achieve that end. But these technologies, not long ago considered novel, are now par for the course. The digital world is advancing at light speed, and businesses have to keep up with technology innovations in order to stay viable.

Succeeding in the business world requires making strategic choices that create new markets and customer value in ways that will add to the company's bottom line. This is what Swift Acclivity helps you achieve.

Data and Information Strategy

Your data, and the information that can be derived from it, are an extremely valuable asset for your organization. Swift Acclivity helps you define the information your business already has or needs to have, where to find it, how to get it, how to process it, and how to disseminate it and whom to disseminate it to. All within a strategy that includes an architecture and processes for governing, managing and securing that information, simplifying the decision making process and facilitating business growth.